On Gay Marrage
The objections to gay marrage don't make any sense. Most anti-gay marraige arguments warn of terrible consequences for the institution of marraige and the well-being of children.The seem to beleive that if society allowed same-sex couples to marry, then all married people would divorce and re-marry same sex partners, and dump their children in the street. I'm not sure why they think everyone would do this, but if they fear that is what they would do, then they're not that committed to heterosexual marraige in the first place.
no one said that gay marrage would make opposite sex couples turn gay and dump there kids there simply saying that as long as there are gay people it will be less kids becuase every one knows that two women or to man cant produce you dont have to believe in god or be religious to know that its common sense
We allow men and women who cannot conceive due to medical reasons to marry despite the fact that they can't have kids, so why deny marriage to same sex couples?
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