Dan's Soapbox

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Casting Seattle

I've always found it fun to take a workplace or other environment I'm familer with and decide which actors to cast as which characters were Hollywood to make it into a film.

Today in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, columnist Joel Connolly selects his cast for "Emerald City - The Movie"

Our unanimous choice to play Mayor Greg Nickels was Fox Sports host and sometime actor Tom Arnold. Tough-guy Tommy Lee Jones is cut out to play Deputy Mayor Tim "the Shark" Ceis. Having roomed with Al Gore at Harvard, Jones can draw from observation on how to play a political character without becoming a droning bore.

My comments to his choices:

I find Tom Arnold a little too dumb for Greg Nichols and Tom Sellick a little too smart for Rep. McDermott, but Tom Arnold as Rep, McDermott is a perfect match.

Instead I find Sellick to be a perfect Sheriff-turned-congressman Dave Richart. I'd cast Jeff Bridges as Nichols instead.

Eddie Murphy doesn't have that "mountains out of molehills quality that Carl Mack shows so strongly. I'd recommend Spike Lee.

I'd cast the multi-talented Matthew Broderick as talk show host Dave Ross.

Finally, is Bob Denver available for the role of Dino Rossi?


Blogger Dancar said...

Joel Connolly responded to my casting feedback. He said my choice of Matthew Broderick to play Dave Ross was "inspired!"

9:02 PM  

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