Dan's Soapbox

Dan's views on current events, popular culture, and other topics of interest.

Location: United States

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Civility For It's Own Sake

Following the Columbine High School shooting 10 years ago, the pointing fingers flew free.  Blame it on bullying, video games, or Marilyn Manson.   This week following the tragic shootings in Arizona, again the media looks for a blame.  This time the popular target is incivility in political discourse in general, and Sarah Palin's infamous "bullseye" graphic in particular.

The truth is, normal people are not moved to commit mass murder by bullying, heavy metal music, violent video games or TV shows, or even political discussion that contains symbols related to shooting.   On the other hand, when mentally unbalanced people act out violently, it usually is not triggered by any influence which makes sense to balanced people.

Still, civility in public discussion is sorely needed to solve the issues that face us.   Let's not attack political opponents using violent metaphors.  Let's not attack them at all.  Criticize ideas, not people.   This should include discussion of why Jared Loughner did what he did.



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