Dan's Soapbox

Dan's views on current events, popular culture, and other topics of interest.

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

West Wing: Vinick '05!

The March 23 episode shows a taste of what the West Wing could become if Arnold Vinick, played by Alan Alda, is selected to be the President next season. By putting a Republican in the driver's seat, the show can better explore the issues raised in current events and the conflicts among different factions of the Republican Party.

Vinick '05!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some bad news for you. If you go to the West Wing site at NBC.com, you'll find a line up picture on the banner. Santos/Smits is pictured in back and just to the right of Bartlett/Sheen. Santos is the only "Dem Presidential contender pictured. Vinick is nowhere in the picture. It's not looking good for Vinick. It's a picture of Dems.

Since the show's been a platform for the Dem agenda and an Prime Time venting mechanism against the Bush administration, I think Slim just left town.

If it's worth anything, Vinick would get my vote -- even though he's about the most centrist Republican on TV (real or TV character) with the possible exception of Rudy G.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Dancar said...

Thanks guys! Maybe I should organize a write-in campaign for Vinick. Do you here us NBC?

11:45 PM  

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