Red State Stupidity
Yesterday, Joel Connelly of the Seattle P.I. wrote the following in his column:
Do they really believe that other men who have been President or have come close to that office would welcome terrorists into our country with open arms, or would have not done just as good of a job at protecting us from them?
Also, yesterday the House passed a proposal for a anti-flag burning Constitutional Amendment, as if we were facing a real threat from flag burning protesters.
Folks, there is a reason why Congress doesn't pass a law against flag "desecration." It is unconstitutional! Since they proper way of dosposing of a worn out American flag is to ceremonially burn it, it's not the act thay are banning, it is the message behind the act, and any ban on a message being conveyed violates the First Amendment. So the only way to ban flag burning is to amend the Constitution to scale back First Amendment Freedoms.
What planet do these people live on?
"Whenever Fox News shows footage of Iraq, it is labeled 'War on Terror.' They tell troops that they're protecting the homeland. They justify the war in Iraq as self-defense. They evoke fear of further attacks here. Fear evokes a strict-father understanding of the world, which favors the conservative way of thinking."
Boos and hisses have greeted such justifications of the Iraq war at public forums in Seattle. The Emerald City voted 75 percent for John Kerry in November.
On a quick trip back to a battleground state wedding last fall, however, I heard the Bush position resonate among fellow guests. Several, while disagreeing with the president on social issues, identified him as the man who would keep terrorism away from America's shores. Pollsters labeled them "security moms." They helped decide the election.
Do they really believe that other men who have been President or have come close to that office would welcome terrorists into our country with open arms, or would have not done just as good of a job at protecting us from them?
Also, yesterday the House passed a proposal for a anti-flag burning Constitutional Amendment, as if we were facing a real threat from flag burning protesters.
Folks, there is a reason why Congress doesn't pass a law against flag "desecration." It is unconstitutional! Since they proper way of dosposing of a worn out American flag is to ceremonially burn it, it's not the act thay are banning, it is the message behind the act, and any ban on a message being conveyed violates the First Amendment. So the only way to ban flag burning is to amend the Constitution to scale back First Amendment Freedoms.
What planet do these people live on?
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