The WMD Debate Continues
Last week I came across a conservative religious blog called The Week in ReVU which contained a post accusing Clinton's people of "revisionist history." Any defender of Bush accusing someone of revisionist history is like a fan of Bill "Romo" Romanowski accusing the Oakland Raiders of playing dirty.
I posted a brief comment referring to the Bush administration selling the Iraq war with WMD speculation presented as confirmed fact. This drew a second comment from "Scarlett" with the usual "blood for oil" hyperbole. The blog author, Infomaniac, chipped away at Scarlett's exaggerations while ignorning my comment.
Here is my new response.
I posted a brief comment referring to the Bush administration selling the Iraq war with WMD speculation presented as confirmed fact. This drew a second comment from "Scarlett" with the usual "blood for oil" hyperbole. The blog author, Infomaniac, chipped away at Scarlett's exaggerations while ignorning my comment.
Here is my new response.
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