Dan's Soapbox

Dan's views on current events, popular culture, and other topics of interest.

Location: United States

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Monday, March 28, 2005

Terri Schiavo Got Her Gun

I haven't written much about the Terri Schiavo case since I haven't taken the time to inform my self on all the facts and alleged facts flying back and forth, but the whole thing reminds me of a film I saw more that 20 years ago, Johnny Got His Gun.

In this highly disutrbing movie, Joe Bonham comes back from World War I with a functioning mind, but no arms, legs, eyes, ears or mouth. The viewer follows Bonhams's thoughts, dreams, and perceptions of the doctors and nurses around him as he is trapped as a prisoner in his own hopelessly ravaged body.

Of course, this film doesn't reveal the thoughts or wishes of Terri Schiavo, or even if she's even had a thought or wish in the past decade, but I don't know how anyone who's seen this movie could wish a fate like Bonham's on anyone.


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