Dan's Soapbox

Dan's views on current events, popular culture, and other topics of interest.

Location: United States

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Yesterday we reached another milestone in the Iraq War: 2000 Americans dead. That's 1,030 to go until the toll equals that of the 9/11 attacks. Unless things in Iraq improve quickly and dramatically, by the end of his term, George W. Bush will be responsible for more American deaths than Osama bin Laden.

Despite what some may think from reading this blog, I don't necessarily support and immediate pullout from Iraq. Once we invaded and removed the Baathist regime, America became responsible for Iraq's immediate future. Like Colin Powel is reported to have said "You broke it, you bought it!" We have the moral responsibility to ensure that the next government of Iraq is kinder and more respectful of its people than the last one. See my earlier post Iraq: not Black or White for more of my thoughts on this.

I do believe that the constitution that was just passed is what Iraq needs, and I hope the Sunnis will come around and support it. One of the interesting things about America is that while it is always easy to find people who don't support the President, and it is easy to find people who don't believe in God, you never talk to anyone who doesn't support the US Constitution. This document, the basis of our laws has the virtual universal support of all Americans. While it can be amended, the amendment process is so difficult that when it is amended, it is almost always for a damned good reason (prohibition excepted). Our Constitution represents our ideals. It is what defines America. The universal support it has from Americans is what has made our country as politically stable for more than 200 years.

While I haven't yet read the new Iraqi Constitution, I would hope that it similarly protects the rights of all Iraqis, as well as the sensibilities of the Muslim religion. I would hope that Iraqis would recognize that and work within their new constitutional processes for change rather than through IEDs and suicide bombers.

I would hope that I don't come back in two years or so to report that Bush has exceeded bin Laden in the toll of American deaths.


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